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Stang-up Meeting

Our Soft Skills Development Program 

At Eagle Training Academy, we believe that success is not only about technical skills, but about the development of soft skills and effective communication. Our courses are designed to help students understand and adopt the values and principles of good leadership, while tapping into their full potential. Our program covers a broad spectrum of skills and competencies, including time management, code of conduct, communications training, team building, leadership development, resume building and interview preparation. We believe that helping our students achieve their goals is the foundation of our success.

See some of our courses below!

Construction in Progress

Time Management

Improve your time management skills with our comprehensive Time Management Course. Our experienced instructor will guide you through a one week course that covers a range of techniques and strategies to help you optimize your productivity and achieve your goals. Each class will include a knowledge check and interactive workshop to ensure that you are retaining the information you need to succeed.

Work Desk

Code of Conduct

We take code of conduct training seriously. Our one-week course is designed to teach you about the importance of integrity, confidentiality, and professionalism in the workplace. We also address unconscious bias to help ensure an inclusive environment for all employees. Our classes and workshops are interactive and engaging, so you can actively participate in your learning. At the end of the course, you'll take a test to ensure you've retained the information you need to help maintain a positive work environment.

Team of Industrial Engineers

Team Building

Our Team Building workshop is the perfect solution for those looking to develop the skills, strategies, and attitudes necessary to work more effectively and efficiently. Over the course of one week, our experts will guide a class of participants through a series of exercises, activities, and problem-solving with use cases designed to help you become a better teammate to a cohesive, high-performing unit.

Solar Panels Technicians

Leadership Development

Our Leadership Development Program is a one-week intensive program that provides practical insights and the tools needed to help you become a successful and capable leader. Our program focuses on cultivating skills such as emotional intelligence, change management, and conflict resolution and provides long-term mentoring to assist in your ongoing growth and development.

Globalization concept

Communications Training

Our business communications training takes place over the course of one week and is designed to help you succeed in a corporate environment by teaching you the skills you need to ace interviews, communicate professionally through email, letter, phone, social media, and more. Our experienced trainers also help you develop active listening skills, and interpret non-verbal cues, so you can better understand and build stronger relationships with  your colleagues and clients.

Business Colleagues

Resume Building and Interview Prep

Our resume and interview preparation program is designed to take place over the course of one week and will provide you with the necessary tools to stand out from the competition. Our experienced professionals will help you create a compelling resume, prepare you for the interview, provide mock interviews, and give you feedback on how to improve. We cover everything you need to know, including resume formats, dress codes, questions to ask, and follow-ups to make sure you are well-equipped and confident when the time comes.

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